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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Burger on the Spot

Since I also love burgers and fries PLUS Cheese,

I wanna try one of these someday. It all comes with 100 beef and a lil fat

1. Great Burger Fries with chili sauce in a cup
2. Original Burger
3. Bacon Burger ( Lutuce, tomato, Toppings, CHeese, burger/patty)
4. French Burger (burger with fries)
5. Chili Burger

We can also make a Filipino style CHEESE STEAKS of this American Franchised food

1. Mushroom on a hotdog sandwhich which we can also put some ground pork. :-)
2. Cheese Steak Rice ^_^

Pictures below are the print screen of the episode ( http://phnoy.com/kris-tv-october-9-2013 )


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